Support local journalism. Ensure The Beacon remains independent.

Individual support of the organizations you value makes a difference right here in your community.

You can choose to become a member with a one time or monthly gift, or with a larger commitment to encourage others to match your generosity. However choose to join these supporters, we appreciate you.

Individual Gifts

Your financial support helps make our journalism possible. Every dollar stays local and supports fact-based, non-partisan journalism by local journalists about issues in Kansas.

Monthly Gifts

If you can, we hope you’ll keep our journalism free for all readers by becoming a monthly member of The Beacon. These recurring donations — no matter how small — are making a huge difference in our ability to provide hyper-local news with no paywall.

Matching Gifts

Make a gift that will double in impact and help us continue providing bold and fearless journalism. We have matching gift campaigns throughout the year: spring, summer, fall, and end of year. 

Major Giving

As a nonprofit newsroom, the funds we generate through major gifts are crucial to producing journalism that empowers readers and holds the powerful accountable. Learn how you can help advance our mission of producing in-depth journalism in the public interest.

Donor Advised Funds

Do you have a Donor Advised Fund with the Wichita Foundation, Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or other entity? Please be sure to include The Beacon in your giving plans.

Mail donations to:

The Beacon Media, Inc., 2721 E. Central Ave, Suite 211, Wichita, KS 67214

The Beacon Media Inc. is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt organization.

Federal EIN: 83-4587205

For more information contact Bill Sundahl, vice president of revenue operations at

Ways that your company, nonprofit or organization can support local journalism.

“Let’s just get this out of the way now. If you believe that your giving should be able to influence the editorial process or content of our journalism then The Beacon is not for you. If you would like to support efforts to inform, educate and empower, then we are a good fit.”

Bill Sundhal, vice president of revenue operations


Partnership gives the opportunity for companies, organizations, nonprofits and like-minded community groups to form an alliance with The Beacon for mutual promotion of our shared values, goals and business objectives. When you partner with The Beacon, many thousands of our loyal readers will know that your company makes their favorite news source possible.

We’re hyperlocal, and we never publish sensational stories just for clicks. That’s why, as a partner, your brand will reach an engaged audience that cares about this community.


Expand your reach to an engaged, informed and civic minded audience while underwriting data-driven, solutions-based local journalism . Engage with our readers and members through marketing messages on the website, newsletters and at our unique events.

For more information contact Bill Sundahl, vice president of revenue operations at